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Friday, August 24, 2007

Angell Conwell supports friend Clifton Powell at the Premiere of "Contradictions"

A soft and supportive Angell Conwell attended the private screening of "Contradictions Of The Heart" co-starring her friend Clifton Powell. You can find Angell and Clifton together in the recent DVD release of "Confessions of A Call Girl" as well as in the films "Sugar Valentine" and the upcoming 2008 release of "Show Stoppers." Carl Payne and Chemin Martinez were also at the premiere.

Thanks Vanessa, Dawn, and Frazer of Getty Images

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Kerry Rhodes in King Magazine ON STANDS NOW

NY Jets super safety Kerry Rhodes explains how boxing helps him keep that outstanding physique and improve his strength as he prepares for another Pro-Bowl type season. Check him out on page 120, its the King with Kim Kardashian on the cover...

Samuel Jackson's "Resurrecting The Champ" Receives Ideal PR Support

Last Night Melody Thornton of the Pussycat Dolls attended the movie premiere of Samuel Jackson's new film "Resurrecting the Champ." Looking fresh in a purple dress...she was a stunner on the carpet and the movie was dynamic.

Thanks Fairley and Yari Films :-)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Angell Conwell on BET Wednesday August 22, 2007 @ 11pm EST LIVE!!!

Catch the smart and sexy actress
on BET this WEDNESDAY AUGUST 22, 2007 at 11pm EST LIVE (and 11pm PST re-air...does not air live in LA :-( sorry) as she does a guest appearance on the new interactive game show TAKE THE CAKE with Tocarra and Joe Clair.

And when the mood strikes for you to rent your next movie, be sure to pick up "Half Past Dead 2" and "Confessions of a Call Girl." Two different movies with one amazing thing in common...ANGELL

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Not THIS Mya

Unfortunately there was a post on which was completely false... a very terrible, BAD Rumor about MYA that is not true!!!

NO: Mya is not writing and does not have a tell all book
NO: Mya has NO PLANS to do such a book
NO: That Is NOT Mya's style, she would not do that.

YES: Mya has been in London opening up for Prince at the 02 Arena
YES: Mya is the Director and Teacher at a summer youth program in Washington, DC
YES: Mya just recorded the theme song for the Lifetime channel's breast cancer initiative

Monday, August 6, 2007

Kerry Rhodes In Sports Illustrated

Off Season has definitely been ON for Kerry Rhodes. His list of charitable involvements goes on for days, and his acting career has been written about by every major newspaper in the country and now by his Sports Illustrated (page 35 August 6, 2007 edition) who was invited to the set of Queen of Media by Ideal PR to interview Kerry about his involvement in the film and his budding acting career during the off season...take a read (click on picture to enlarge)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Friday, August 3, 2007

Anwan "Big G" Glover and Allen Iverson

Charity events are important to Anwan "Big G" Glover, not only because he has a foundation himself (The G Prince Inc Foundation), but also because giving back to the community is very close to his heart. Along with big hitters such as Patti Labelle and Carmelo Anthony, Anwan added his arm to the Allen Iverson Annual softball game and to sign autographs for the many excited kids in attendance.
Anwan can be seen in HBO's The Wire and recent episodes of Law & Order

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Shaun Livingston Gives Back to Peoria

Los Angeles Clippers was lucky to snag Shaun Livingston out of Peoria Illinois, and now the community of Peoria is equally please to grab him back...even if only for a week!
A private camp for the kids of Peoria is sponsored and hosted by Shaun Livingston every summer for either one or two weeks. This camp is apart of the events Shaun does with his name sake, the Shaun Livingston Foundation. About 150 Underprivileged kids attend this basketball camp week and all expenses come out of Shaun's personal pockets, so the cost to the children is absolutely FREE!!!

Additionally, Shaun visited St. Jude's hospital and continued filming for his ESPN "Outside The Lines" recovery special documenting his progress and his personal road to recovery. While he is progressing a lot faster than professionals originally anticipated, "however long it takes, that's how long I'll take," said Shaun and we are with him all the way!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Kerry Rhodes Interviews with Indulge TV

Before a sexy Photo Shoot, Kerry Rhodes has an interview with Indulge TV to talk about his career and community involvement.

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