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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Kentucky Derby Weekend with Kerry Rhodes, Terrell Owens and Ideal PR


Earlier this month, the 1st Annual Kentucky Derby Football Day Camp and Charity Basketball game was a success. Presented by Ideal PR client Kerry Rhodes and Team Image client Terrell Owens, the two events raised money for both of their personal charities, The Kerry RHODES Foundation and the Catch A Dream Foundation.



CLICK HERE for the great write up on Kerry and the camp in the Courier Journal. Thanks Brain Brohm and Pam Spalding.


Additionally, both star NFL players enjoyed a great time at the other Kentucky Derby events throughout the weekend.


Special Thanks to Kita and Anthony with Team Image PR and of course Tamiko T of Ideal PR for making it all happen.




Work it Kerry and Tamiko!!!

Carl Payne
Additionally, Client Carl Payne attended the weekend of events and looked sharp at the Grand Gala. Check out the articles where they speak with Carl (at end of article) Click HERE
And Click Here

PS...Special Thanks to Jawn Murray for the mention of Carl on BV Buzz in his write up.

And a very special thanks to Rohena Miller, Michelle Henderson and the entire Niche Marketing Staff and all who hosted our clients throughout the weekend

Al B. Sure! and Khloe Kardashian


Hot 92.3 Radio Personality and legendary singer Al B. Sure! had guest Khloe Kardashian in the radio studio. She was promoting the UHI poker tournament and the finale episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. The finale episode is a heart-felt display of the Kardashian's generosity with a New Orleans family. Be sure to tune in on the E! Network and also support the UHI. Click the video below to hear the audio of the interview...

Thanks Tosha and Jeff

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Carl Anthony Payne

Carl Payne

Ideal PR client Carl Payne celebrates his birthday today. As always you can check Carl out on networks all across the world running episodes of "The Cosby Show" and "Martin" and currently you can check him out on the new show "Under One Roof" that airs on MyTV Network on Wednesdays.

Carl Payne

Carl Payne

Carl Payne

Carl Payne

Love Neeta, Tamiko, Velvet and the entire Ideal PR Family!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Paige Hurd: "Little Miss Sunshine"

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Paige Hurd "Little Miss Sunshine"
Writer: Saudia Harris, The IDEAL Magazine

It has been said that the sun always shines in California, but lately the sun has been shimmering a little bit brighter because of the introduction of Hollywood’s newest young starlet, Paige Hurd. Perhaps she sparkles so brightly because she’s no rookie to the game, having acted and modeled since she was three. Maybe it’s because she’s been getting’ her shine on with the convincing way she plays the sweet and sassy Tasha on “Everybody Hates Chris”. Could it be the way she held her own as she played Vanessa alongside industry greats such as Queen Latifah, Alfre Woodard and Della Reese in the 2005 hit Beauty Shop. Whatever it is, she is certainly burning up the screen and blazing a trail.

Despite having such a large resume at 15, Paige is rather, sweet, approachable, and polite. You won’t ever find her name smeared across a tabloid like some other members of young Hollywood. Instead, like most teenagers her age, on her downtime, you can find Paige playing basketball, watching movies, or catching some rays at the beach. She considers “music her life” and gushed about how much she loves artists such as Alicia Keys, Keyshia Cole, Lil Al B. Sure! and T.I., whom she considers “the best person in the world to listen to.” And with her sweet 16th birthday quickly approaching and a “Hollyhood” themed star-studded bash in the works, Paige continues to be all smiles. Keep your eye on Paige because her future is so bright, she has all of Hollywood wearing shades

IDEAL: So I heard you have a sweet 16 B-Day party coming up. Are you excited?

PH: I’m really excited but right now I’m really stressed because its like May and I’ve been planning a lot. And its really hard getting a list together, especially when you have too many people. So I’m mostly excited and overwhelmed with the list

IDEAL: So can you tell me a little about your party plans and what you are planning for the big day?

PH: Well our theme is gonna be “Hollyhood” and we’re gonna do a big big party. Other plans, I’m deciding if we are gonna have like a lot of special, surprise celebrity guests coming and its gonna be like red carpet and camera and like different picture booths and stuff and performances and like, its just gonna be fun.

IDEAL: Is there any special gift you are hoping to get?

PH: Yeah, I’m actually hoping that I get… I already asked for a car for Christmas and I’m not even gonna try to outdo it with another car, but I want a… I want something really expensive and nice. I haven’t thought of it yet. I was actually thinking a gun but that’s not appropriate, just to keep myself protected.

IDEAL: So outside of acting, what do you like to do for fun?

PH: I like to play basketball, umm I like to just shop I guess, go to the beach, tan, my feet need tanning, and um.. I love to got the movies and just do a movie marathon where you just stay at the movies all day.

IDEAL: What’s the latest movie that you’ve seen?
PH: The last movie I saw was, Juno, well on DVD. You mean like in the theater?

IDEAL: Either or it doesn’t matter…(ME)

PH: Well last week I watched Juno and Hotrod on DVD and then in the movie theater, ohhh its been a while, I think it was umm.. what was that movie with Martin Lawrence “Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins” and the Raven Symone movie “Road Trip” ohh and I just saw “A Plum Summer” with Neeta actually. Yeah, we went to the premiere of that.

IDEAL: So do you like listening to music?

PH: Yeah, music is my life

IDEAL: Who are some of your favorite musical artists?

PH: I love T.I. he is like the best person in the world to listen to. And I like Alicia Keys, Keyshia Cole and Landon Brown and Lil B. Sure (son of Al B Sure) and Al B. Sure. I like Earth Wind and Fire, I like a lot of old school stuff, like I was raised by that stuff. My dad raised me by that. And, I’m not gonna lie, I like Hannah Montana!

IDEAL: I heard you are in the ATL group “Small Change’s” video “Don’t be Shy”. What is your role in this video?

PH: The youngest brother of the group, Peyton, I played his main girl. And the singer Shani, I played one of her backup main girls who was dancing with her and just you know, flirting with the boys. But I played Peyton's main girl.

IDEAL: Did you have fun on the video shoot?

PH: Yeah, that was a lot of fun. It was only 2 days, but it felt like it was a week, it was fun.

IDEAL: You play Tasha on “Everybody Hates Chris”, how’s that going for you?

PH: Its going good. I just started coming back and stuff and I’ve done two episodes and the first one they were, basically Tisha Campbell Martin plays my mom now and then the last one I just did was really weird because I had to tell Imani, she plays Tanya, why boys like her and about wearing bras. And they had to make my chest bigger, so it was really weird.

IDEAL: What are some of the distinguishing characteristics about Tasha? What type of person is Tasha on “Everybody Hates Chris”?

PH: Well, the first two seasons I was on there, she was very sweet, quite, innocent little girl, now every since the kissing scene, she’s a little, like outrageous. She’s bad now. That’s what I would say like she just kinda, secretly undercover bad. Like she’s just bad.

IDEAL: Do you identify with any of the characteristics of Tasha either before the kiss or after the Kiss?

PH: Before, because I can be quiet, until you get to know me.

IDEAL: Outside of acting, what is important to you?

PH: My family.

IDEAL: Neeta mentioned to me that you are involved in a charity right now that involves children with cancer. Can you tell me a little bit about that?

PH: My little brother had cancer, or he has, I’m not sure if he’s in remission right now with it and I often do charity events to support children, especially anything dealing with cancer. I did the “Kids for Kids" walk. And this weekend, I’ll be going to the “Britianna Henderson’s Walk” and she passed away a couple of years ago. And basically its walking for her and other children who have cancer and donating money and whatever you can and just giving out awards.

IDEAL: That’s very admirable. So do you see yourself as a role model for teen girls?
PH: I hope so. I think so, yeah.
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Sunday, May 18, 2008

3rd Annual UHI Poker Tournament at The Playboy Mansion


The Urban Health Institute held its 3rd Annual Poker Fundraiser at the Playboy Mansion in California this past weekend. The event/cause raised an amazing amount of money for the UHI. Ideal PR Clients Angell Conwell, Carl Payne and Gabrielle Dennis were there looking super fab!


Angell rocked a dress from Donna Ricco with shoes from BeBe

Gabrielle Dennis (Rosewood)

Gabrielle had on one of the newest creations from Betsy Johnson

Carl Payne
Carl was urban fab with his back and white with a signature hat look.

Special Thanks to Yvette, Tosha and Lisa who did a great job with such a large and hectic event and were very kind and accommodating to Neeta and all of our clients.

Paige Hurd joins Chris Tucker in 5k Walk for Brittianna To Benefit the BrittiCares Foundation For Cancer


Teen actress Paige Hurd joined comedian/actor Chris Tucker and others by participating in a 5k Run/Walk in Pacific Palasades over the weekend. This was the 3rd annual 5k walk for the Britticares Foundation created for Brittianna Rene Henderson who passed away from Lukemia at the age 12.


Both Paige and Chris had the pleasure of knowing Brittianna while she was alive, so their participation was very personal. It was a joy to see so many people come out and support the cause and walk on one of the hottest days of the year so far (104 degrees). Also in attendance to show their support was the teen group Small Change.


For more info on this event and foundation you may visit
Special Thanks to Shirell, Jamie and everyone else a part of the foundation.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Rock The Cradle Finale...


Last night Ideal PR clients Lil B Sure! and Al B. Sure! attended the finale for the MTV Show "Rock The Cradle." Lil B. Sure! made it half way through and was there to see Crosby Loggins, son of Kenny Loggins win the over all contest (which came with 100k in cash and a record deal) Kudos Crosby!

A special Thanks to the entire Rock The Cradle Staff for being such wonderful people to Lil B. Sure! Al B. Sure! and Neeta during the 6 week show. A Very Special thanks to Monica, Richard and Ryan for keeping us on track and up-to-date with everything.

Lil B. Sure! with Stylist June look FAB!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Kerry Rhodes in May issue of Jenesis Magazine

NFL's top paid safety Kerry Rhodes is featured in the pages of Jenesis Magazine this month for his community service work with his Foundation the Kerry RHODES Foundation (which just held an event at the Kentucky Derby along with Terrell Owens yesterday)

To read the article and the rest of the magazine you can log onto

Very special Thanks to James and David and the entire Jenesis Magazine staff


Sunday, May 4, 2008

Giving Back To The Community... Ideal PR Clients Support PISE in 2008


Ideal PR clients Gabrielle Dennis, Lil B. Sure! and Paige Hurd along with Landon Brown (son of Bobby Brown) all participated in the Annual PISE Charity Event. Each celebrity walked the runway in the celebrity fashion show and was availabile for autographs at the end. Over all it was a successful event and the kids enjoyed themselved.




Very special thanks to Lisa and her staff at Eternal Concepts PR

Friday, May 2, 2008

Today in Kentucky...Kerry Rhodes and Terrell Owens


Last night Kerry Rhodes and Terrell Owens supported the 134th Kentucky Derby - 3rd Annual Bowl for the Roses.

Today Kerry and Terrell support their own charities and foundations by presenting the 1st Annual Kentucky Derby Youth Football Camp (May 2, 2008) in Kentucky. Rhodes, who was drafted from University of Louisville holds Kentucky very dear to his heart and is excited about doing something in one of the states he considers like home.

Taking Place (Friday May 2, 2008) at the University of Louisville at the Tragger Center Indoor practice facility located at 2800 S. Floyd Street Louisville,KY 40292 from 8am to 1pm for kids in grades 9th -12th only. The lucky 200 registrants will enjoy tips and techniques on behalf of both great football players. To register online visit

Also Today (May 2, 2008) from 4pm -6pm at the Spectrum Building located at 911 South Brook Street Louisville, KY 40203 everyone can come out and enjoy the celebrity basketball game that will include your favorite celebrities with Kerry and Terrell on one team and the And1 players including "Hot Sauce" on the other team.

Proceeds will go to both the Kerry RHODES Foundation and the Terrell Owens Foundation.

Press Media Inquiries for Kerry Rhodes can go through his PR company Ideal PR and publicists Neeta Wooten or Tamiko Thomas. Press/Media Inquires on behalf of Terrell Owens can go through his publicist Kita Williams.

For overall information on all the events you can visit COMING SOON

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