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Monday, February 25, 2013

Oscars 2013 Moments and Fashion Wins

We loved many moments about the 2013 Oscars, but first, our fashion wins for the night: Jennifer Lawrence, Zoe Saldana, Amy Adams, Adele, Kerry Washington, Halle Berry, Charlize Theron. (All images are courtesy of GettyImages)  and Michelle Obama our beautiful #FLOTUS

Oscar Winner Adele

Amy Adams in Oscar De La Renta

Kerry Washington

Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence wearing DIOR

Oscar winner Halle Berry

Future Oscar winner Zoe Saldana

Oscar winner Charlize Theron

Michelle Obama #FLOTUS

Now for our two cents about the show :-)

The Good...
Seth MacFarlane was not bad at all (and no, he is NOT the Christopher Knight who played on The Brady Bunch); Mark Wahlberg was sexy as ever in a suit highlighting ALL of his assets :-) oh my those arms of his;  a great tribute to musicals; loved seeing a peek of Grammy winner Mya in the tribute to "Chicago"; Jennifer Hudson's performance and dress choices were amazing (kudos to Weight Watchers!); Adele had a stellar night in a great dress choice and for her first Oscar win for the original song "Skyfall" she sang so beautifully live; Barbra Streisand gave a classic performance; Jack Nicholson is Always a BOSS; Queen Latifah thinking quickly on her feet to save "Chicago" cast member from the awkward silence in her request to READ the winner of the category they presented (sigh...see more comments below); and last but not least the very wonderful surprise at the end of Michelle Obama presenting live from the White House looking flawless!

The Bad...
Typical and expected, yet still the show lasted over 3.5 hours; The closing performance about "Losers" would have been more entertaining if they were able to cut away to the crowd for reaction shots...but we are sure everyone was leaving so it would have looked bad; The Jaws music was funny as the "time to wrap it up" music, but they appeared to pick and chose who they ushered off the stage "Showtime at the Apollo" style.

The Ugly...
We know he didn't "mean" it the way it came out....but Best Director Winner Ang Lee said during his acceptance speech said something to the effect of, "And to the cast, I can't waste this time talking about you..." Oh yes he did! And poor Renee Zellweger...either she had too much champagne, too many "hits" or too much botox, because the thought that should couldn't read something as simple as "Life of Pi" is just unthinkable...but the thought of her being that FADED where she couldn't read "Life of Pi" is equally ridiculous. We still love you Renee...looking forward to those Bridgette Jones Diary installments coming out! And we LOVE Jamie him, but the camera continuously caught him making strange faces unintentionally.

Jennifer Lawrence...looked beautiful in Dior. Although she had a tumble going up the stairs to accept her Oscar, she was a great sport and used comedy like a true lady. Her speech was very genuine and heartfelt...and we LOVE her for how she handled herself and gave honor to all actresses.

Ben Affleck...He may not be your favorite actor, person, J-Lo ex, but he gave one heck of a speech and received an Oscar for a well deserved film in the capacity of a Co-Producer, even though he acted in and directed the same film.

And once again...Mark Wahllberg was looking sexy, and yummy in that fitted suit. Takes us back to the appeal of Marky Mark. We know he doesn't like to be remembered as as rapper, but he has that sex appeal that is worth watching the nearly 4 hour award show!
Ted and Mark Wahlberg at the 2013 Oscars. Mark is so sexy

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