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Thursday, December 28, 2006

Kerry Rhodes Selected ALL PRO (

Check out #25 NY Jets Kerry Rhodes's Len Pasquarelli picks Kerry for his 2006 All Pro Team
Click on the link Below and be sure to click the "Defensive Team"
Click Kerry's name (towards the end of list) and see what wonderful and deserving words Len has about Kerry.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Kerry Rhodes on the YES Network TONIGHT on "This Week In Football"

Check out #25 of the NY Jets, Kerry Rhodes TONIGHT Wednesday December 27th on the YES cable network on "This Week in Football" at 10:30pm as he talks about the NY Jets having a serious shot at the playoffs.
This show re-airs on
THURSDAY Dec 28th at 7:00pm and
FRIDAY Dec 29th at 10:30pm
Saturday Dec 30th 12noon and 6:00pm
If you don't have the YES Network on your cable provider log ONLINE and download the clip from
Just go to: and click on the "This Week In Football" video clip. Be sure you are looking at the December 27th show :-) Kerry's clip is in the 2nd 1/2 of the 1 hour show.
Thanks Missy for working hard on this one!

Angell Conwell on BET's "Bring That Year Back"

Check out Ms Angell Conwell on BET in the "Bring That Year Back" special as it takes you back through 2006. Enjoy the charisma and wit of the young actress as she adds her spark to the special.

RE-Airs on BET

Thursday Dec 28th @ 10pm

December 31 @ 1am (Sunday night, New Years Eve, technically Jan 1st)

Wednesday January 3rd , 2007 @8pm
You can check Angell out on
Thanks Sheila & P Frank ~~~ You all are the best!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Check out Kerry Rhodes on WNYU Tonight

Kerry Rhodes #25 NY Jets Safety will be interviewed LIVE tonight on 89.1 FM New York

Where: WNYU 89.1 FM (New York)
(or listen on line

When: Monday Dec. 18th 7:30pm -8:00pm EST

What: The Cheap Seats Sports Radio Show

If you missed seeing Kerry in yesterday's football game where the Jets beat the Vikings, don't worry...Kerry will be speaking about both football and his personal life, inclusive of his relationship status :-) and the entertainment projects he will be invloved in 2007.

Be sure to tune in :-)
If you are not in NY...listen live on via the internet (

Thanks Velvet for making this happen!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Wendy Williams Film "Queen Of Media" Update

Furqaan Films, in conjunction with Wendy Williams is deciding to go beyond the straight to DVD option for Queen Of Media. While this fabulous development is causing a little delay in beginning production, everyone apart is extremely excited about Queen Of Media now being on the big screen.

Nicole Tucker (Philadelphia, PA), chosen for the role of Wendy in the film has been spending plenty of time with the "Queen of all media" between New York and New Jersey during the week of Decemeber 11th .

To date, the film has over 15 celebrities confirmed to be apart of the film including Wesley Jonathan, Angell Conwell, Vanessa Williams, Lil Kim, Dawn Robinson, Teedra Moses, Chico DeBarge, Melyssa Ford among others. Now that the film is being made for the silver screen and not DVD only, a few script changes have been made. The original script was 130 pages long allowing for all of the actors chosen during the casting call tour to have plenty of space to be worked in the film. Recently, the final script has now been cut to only 89 pages removing a lot of the less important scenes.
"Certain sacrifices had to be made for the overall good of the film. We are now focusing on the bigger picture which is the fact this film will now be in theaters nationwide first, which wasn't the case when we first started. Although we have to remove a lot of the smaller roles from the film, we will make sure everyone is given an opportunity to be an extra to still include them in this project. And we will make a note for the production company's future projects in 2007 to send them casting notices as well," said the casting director of the film.

One thing is for sure...this movie is one of the most highly anticipated urban films for 2007, so we all can agree taking a couple extra months to make everything better will be appreciated at the box office.

For More Information on the film you can visit
For Media Inquiries contact Ideal PR at

What Are Our Clients Up To??? December 2006

Ideal PR Clients are being seen from coast to coast...

#1 Safety in the NFL, our NY Jet's Client Kerry Rhodes had an exciting week

  • Kerry was honored on December 10th with The Jet's Sparkplug Award from the Jetpack Fan Group in New York. Kerry is a strong contender for the Pro Bowl in Feb 2007. Go Kerry!

  • Kerry celebrated the birthday of his model manager Trevor Julien of Uptown Model Management along with a host of others including Uptown Model Danielle Evans (pictured America's Next Top Model) .

Actress Angell Conwell has been caught being beautiful again...By the way, Angell has FIVE (5) films coming out in 2007 including PORTAL, CONFESSIONS, JUSTIFIED, SHOW STOPPERS and QUEEN OF MEDIA. This girl has been working!

Sunday Dec 10th Angell was invited and attended the 11th Annual Prism Awards

Angell was invited to the Annual Holiday celebration for Victoria Rowell's Foundation for Foster Children. Angell enjoyed helping santa pass out gifts to all of the children on December 3rd

A true supporter, Angell made her way to her fellow Baby Boy's co-cast member Tyrese's album release party Saturday December 9th

An advocate for anything helping children, Angell was invited to add her signature to the Make A Wish Foundation Auction Items on Thursday December 14th for the Sundance Film Festival.

Actor Hassan Johnson & Anwan "Big G" Glover, gathered with their cast members from HBO's The Wire for a BET photo shoot. Anwan is in finishing up a film called "Hood Related" where he stars along side Wire co-stars Trey Chaney (pictured below) and Felicia "Snoop" Pearson. Anwan is in his 2nd season on The Wire, Hassan is in his 4th season on The Wire and also his 2nd season on NBC's ER.

Additionally, check out Hassan Johnson in the new Young Jeezy video along side Wire cast member Michael Williams. Hassan is set to begin filming the Wendy Williams movie in late January 2007.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Hassan Johnson in U&U Magazine

U & U Magazine feature on actor and rapper Hassan Johnson...

Thanks U&U Magazine!
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