Being ranked the 29th best NFL player out of the top 500 according to Sports Illustrated (September 3 edition LINK TO STORY) is a deserving accolade for rising star safety Kerry Rhodes #25 of the NY Jets. YET...the rumors begin.
NO Kerry Rhodes and Melyssa Ford are NOT a couple, not dating, not about to be serious...none of that. They are friends. Kerry will tell you himself that his only girlfriend is FOOTBALL. And as Anadyah his personal photographer said...that is the only ring he has on his mind. While an "anonymous" female is insisting she knows all about it contacting as many gossip sites as possible, one thing is for sure, if there is a relationship, Kerry knows nothing about it :-)
SO basically people...its just gossip, a rumor, a little white lie.
NO Bill Bellichek did NOT make a comment about Kerry Rhodes not being able to make his team. A writer took a statement that made referencing TO the coach, but never used a quote as some writers mistakenly reported. Bill NEVER made a statement about Kerry. All you have to do is read the statement for yourself
NO Kerry Rhodes is NOT and was never dating Dani Evans from America's Next Top Model...In fact they share the same modeling manager. Many events you saw them together at was because they were with their model manager, not each other :-) They are just friends too
YES!!! Kerry IS ranked #29 out of the top 500 NFL players by Peter King for Sport's Illustrated
YES!!! Kerry Rhodes IS in the current issue of King Magazine (pg 120) with Kim Kardashian on the cover.
YES!!! Kerry IS on the COVER of October issue of Indulge Magazine hitting news stands next month
YES!!! Kerry Rhodes IS in the October issue of Suavv Magazine hitting news stands soon
YES!!! Kerry Rhodes IS on the COVER of the October issue of Velocity Magazine out next month
YES!!! Kerry Rhodes is as single as a dollar bill and will be allowing 1 lucky woman a chance to win a date with him through YBF blog. So be sure to keep your eyes open for that :-)
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