Michael Walton Foundation Presents:
The Michael Walton Weekend | "Celebrating Washington D.C. Metropolitan & Prince Georges County Youth"
Thursday April 2, 2009
The Speak Out to Reach Out Tour | "Do it B.I.G." Believing In Goals
(This one hour, entertaining, high energy in school affair features celebrities, athletes and entertainment figures giving students real life examples of success!)
C. H. Flowers High School
10001 Ardwick Ardmore Rd
Springdale, Maryland 20774
9:30am - 10:30am
Dr. Henry Wise High School
12650 Brooke Lane
Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772
2:15pm - 3:30pm
Friday April 3, 2009
Michael Walton Foundation Annual Golf Tournament
18 Holes of Golf | Dinner Buffet | Awards Ceremony
The Courses at Andrews Air Force Base
Building 4442
Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland 20762
9:00am - 4:00pm | 8:00am Registration
Saturday April 4, 2009
Al Joyner/Michael Walton Speed & Plyometric Clinic
(Washington D.C. inner city youth participate in speed and plyometric drills and a challenge relay with Olympic Gold Medalist Al Joyner and his protégé' Michael Walton)
Coolidge High School
6315 5th Street NW
Washington D.C. 20011
8:00am – 12:00pm
MWF Teen Summit 2009
(Teens come together with a panel of experts, entertainers and celebrities in an intimate setting to address issues of Peer Pressure, Violence, Aids HIV, Childhood Obesity and more. Hosted by Micheline Bowman of FOX 5.)
The Black Box Theater
C.H. Flowers High School
10001 Ardwick Ardmore Rd
Springdale, MD 20774
4:00pm – 6:00pm
For more event information and for you or your client to participate in the MW Celebrity Weekend please contact:
Ideal PR | 301-772-3414 | PR@IdealPR.com
Or Visit: www.michaelwaltonfoundation.org
Here's what some of the youth have to
say about the Michael Walton
“Even if no one else believes in me, I believe in myself and trust that I can do anything that I put my mind to. Thank you Michael Walton for setting a good example by achieving goals everyday and finding the time to teach us kids to believe, study and work hard"
(7th Grade Student, James Madison MS, Prince George's County)
"When Michael Walton spoke to us it left me speechless. He told us a story about a crossroads in his life in which is mother gave him inspiration that led to him accomplishing great things for years to come. That day when I went home I applied myself more than ever. I picked up a book, started reading and studying. I learned so much from the assembly. If you have a dream go for it and don't let anyone rob you of that dream."
(10th Grade Student, Dr. Henry Wise HS, Prince George's County)
“Believing in goals means never giving up hope that you can do it! I used to think I would never go to college, never become anything, but, the Speak Out to Reach Out tour inspired me to keep trying and never back down. Michael Walton did not give up on his dream and look at him, his dreams came true”.
(12th Grade Student, Dr. Henry Wise HS, Prince George's County Maryland)