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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Clicking The "LIKE" Button on Facebook Donates FREE Books to Schools!!!

(Actress Tia Mowry supporting the SSHF through the Read Aloud Tour)

(Actress Angell Conwell at the Stephanie Starks HOPE Foundation celebrity book reading and donation on January 10, 2011 in Los Angeles, California)

Facebook allows friends and supporters to click a "LIKE" button on status messages, pages, pictures and all sorts of things. TODAY, you can click the "LIKE" button and it will increase the amount of FREE books that will be donated to underprivileged children and their schools.

Support the cause!!! GO LIKE this page and help kids get books!!!

"For every LIKE we get on the Stephanie Starks HOPE Foundation Facebook page our sponsors will donate 1 brand new box of children books to our Reading Program from now till September," said Sheila Starks, founder of SSHF.

Please go over and like the Page today and encourage your friends to do the
same! All it takes is ONE CLICK

Your one LIKE will donate new books to children who otherwise wouldn't have a book. The majority of Low income families have no age appropriate books in their home. SSHF to date has donated over 15 million dollars in new books to children!

Thank you in advance for your support!

About The Stephanie Starks HOPE Foundation (SSHF)

SSHF was formed in loving memory of Stephanie Starks who passed at the age of 14 years old from a misdiagnosis of Bacterial Meningitis. SSHF’s mission is to raise awareness and funds for critical social issues in order to make a positive impact in our global community we do this through our 7 National Initiatives. SSHF works with local, national and international recognized youth serving programs and organizations that support education, youth and family development, and health-related causes.

The Stephanie Starks HOPE Foundation's Celebrity Read Aloud and Defending Literacy Tour(TM) to date has donated over $15 million dollars in new books to children across the country. The Tour was formerly named the Project Read for HOPE Celebrity Read Aloud Tour.

Founder of SSHF - Sheila Starks (2nd from right) with VIP supporters

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Teedra Moses has a LIVE Internet Radio/Video Chat Show Called "Luxurious UnderGRIND"

Singer Teedra Moses released her free mixtape called "Luxurious UnderGRIND" and now fans can listen in and watch the first lady of Maybach Music Group - Teedra Moses weekly on her LIVE internet show on

Through Ustream fans are allowed to interact live with Teedra through the Ustream chat and/or Twitter. Joining the conversation via chat is always fun, as the ladies of Luxurious Undergrind make a point to verbally interact with viewers by responding to, and incorporating their comments into the LIVE show.

Teedra Moses along with co-hosts Ms. Vanessa James and Mara Malendez keep the show crunk. And it doesn't stop there :-) After the LIVE show, they take it a step further and place clips of the show on youtube and edits in flashes of the viewers comments directly into the show clip.

If you have not had the opportunity to listen to Teedra's mixtape you can download it FREE HERE Listen, repeat, tweet and FB all of your friends about the raw and real songs that only the New Orleans native Ms. Teedra Moses can give.

TUNE IN TO LUXURIOUS UNDERGRIND online LIVE Every Thursday from 10pm-11pm EST
Be prepared...they keep it real...something refreshing and honest that hasn't been seen since Neeta and Tamiko T stopped doing "Splash Radio."

It is worth making sure you add a reminder to your blackberry and lock it in your calender to be in front of your internet EVERY THURSDAY at 10pm EST to tune into these ladies...

And be on the look out for the new Teedra Moses album and be prepared to buy 3...One for the house, one for the car and one to keep in plastic...because it will be a classic.

LIVE PERFORMANCE FROM TEEDRA from July 21, 2011 show

CLIP FROM JULY 21, 2011 show

Friday, July 22, 2011

DIVAS IN DEFENSE! Be a DIVA: Fabulous, Fierce & Fun!

It is about time!!!
Divas...learn how to protect yourself. "Divas In Defense" offers a basic self defense course designed to give a basic overview of the importance of self defense. Students engage in discussions on real life scenarios and how to identify threatening situations. Both the voice and body language activity will allow students the opportunity to learn basic solutions to deescalate a situation. Divas in Defense has teamed up with The WNBA's LA Sparks to present an awesome event for the 21 and over crowd called "Kicks and Cocktails." Held at LA Staples Center, this event includes taking the class, free cocktails, free tee-shirt and a free seat to that night's game all with your $35 class purchase! Talk about a deal!!! For upcoming dates be sure to check out their website

(Divas in Defense Supporters)

"Fight Like A Girl" is a saying you will find associated with this program. The buzz around Divas in Defense is amazing. Men and women have lead support and are spreading the word. may ask? Why not!? As a DIVA myself, I am glad someone decided to create a program that keeps it sexy and sophisticated while teaching techniques on how to protect one's self. Every female should take this opportunity. Even if you have taken a course before, still, sign up and take this one, you may learn something new! Be sure to spread the word. Tell a friend. It is ALWAYS a good idea for ladies to know how to protect themselves.

Classes can be found in Los Angeles, CA as well as Atlanta, GA.

Owner Christopher Britto (far right) with actor Wesley Jonathan (middle) and other Divas in Defense supporters and associates

We recommend this class and trust the creators of this program. Chris Britto has been protecting celebrity clientele for years. He has personally taken care of many Ideal PR female clients with care. Pairing with fabulous Divas comes the creation of Divas in Defense. Now ladies everywhere can learn how to protect themselves at all times.

"It is our goal to empower women through self-defense and non-lethal weapons training. Be a DIVA: Fabulous, Fierce & Fun!"

Divas In Defense offers an all-in-one solution for women's self defense. They have self defense, stun gun and firearm training available.

"We firmly support women's safety and health. We have different course options that can accommodate any women in search of training necessary to protect themselves and their families. We teach defense against assault, rape, domestic violence and more. Synergy with our strategic partners are mandated by them sharing our vision."

Visit their website:
and follow them on Twitter @DivasinDefense


Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Dozen of Roses or a Bouquet?


By JUSTIN MABRIE (Ideal PR Media Contributing Writer)

Often, there is a part of you that wants this new person you are dating to be “the one”… the one to save you from all others and fulfill all your needs.

Never should expectations be placed on a single person or situation solely based on a first impression you may have. Yes, there is a possibility that life may be changing because you feel you have met your match but patience must rule over a completely answered survey on the first date. Allow a person to reveal him or herself slowly.

A comfortable pace is best for honest understanding and true description of a person’s character. Be concerned should you feel you know everything there is to know about an individual after your first outing. It is more intriguing to your spirit to gradually learn a person. People can choose an avatar for their social networking profile; they can write letters to represent their feelings; they can add up educational degrees to speak for their intelligence; however only consistent & sincere interaction will truly represent their outlook and appreciation for you being in their life. The many movie dates, dining experiences, walks in the park, fun in kitchen when cooking together, life discussions over glasses of wine, and shared spiritual experiences will give you understanding of how compatible you may be with this person. A kite allows the wind to guide its’ flight; similarly one should allow interactions to guide the next step and discovery.

It is believed that a dozen of roses represent how much you really care and if you are short of that number then the meaning translations vary with negative undertones that lead to ambiguous assumptions. In the sense of a relationship, it is refreshing to receive your roses over time. Each rose represents another thought and allows further insight to be had about that person. Once you have time to reflect on the forming relationship, you should have lost count of the actual number of roses yet the combined bouquet is so much larger and filled with more meaning that would not have existed had you simply received a dozen at your door step after a couple of dates.

You do not want a person to pick and choose what he or she wants to reveal to you. Instead, you want comfortable behavior and communication to supersede a long sheet resume designed and packaged for the masses.

Remember: Date with ease and allow the mystery to intrigue.

(Justin Mabrie)

Justin Mabrie, holds an MBA from Hampton University and is writer specializing in relationship topics. Justin is from Houston, TX and currently resides in Hollywood, California.

Connect with Justin on Facebook and Twitter.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

SEXY at the 2011 ESPY's

Last night the ESPY Awards took place in Los Angeles, CA...there was plenty of eye candy and many deserving awards given out. Typically red carpets are draped with gorgeous gowns and women, but last night was a true treat for the ladies. Among the sexiest and best dressed on our list include Ray Allen, Eddie George, Desean Jackson and Matt Kemp. Actor Jesse Williams was there in his casual cool look and can do no wrong in our book. It seemed that gray suits with pink or gray toned ties were popular last night.

While we love Matt Barnes, the verdict is still out on if we liked THAT suit on HIM. And Dhani Jones is an awesome man...but there is much chatter about the bow-tie king looking a little on the sloppy side yesterday.

Take a look...tell us your thoughts!!!

(Ray Allen)

(Eddie George (Go Taj!!!)

Matt Kemp

(Desean Jackson)

(Jesse Williams...yummy!)

(Matt Barnes)

(Dhani Jones)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Brian J. White Releases His Book of Tools To Live By: "Black Carpenter"

As talent goes, Brian J. White is about as talented as one man could be. He is smart, witty, athletic, endearing, attractive and giving, among many other qualities. His background includes being accomplished as an actor, NFL player, professional dancer, youth activist and an all-around great guy. Yesterday, along with co-author Anna Cheshire Levitan, Brian released the Kindle Edition of their new book "Black Carpenter: Straight Talk to Build a Solid Foundation" through ( Now, Brian can add the title "Author" to his list of accomplishments. This book will undoubtedly change lives and impact futures. Something we are sure this humble gentleman from Massachusetts intends.

Brian stood out in the background of the film "The Best Man" and never had to say a word. Now he is speaking from his heart and sharing his personal knowledge about how to use these tools to become the best you that you can be. The title of the book "Black Carpenter" is a metaphor in the sense that he shows you how to build a successful life - no matter what race, nationality or background from which you derive. And he should know! How many people can say they have played in the NFL, starred on TV shows (Men of A Certain Age, The Shield, Second Time Around, etc.), films (The Family Stone, Stomp The Yard, Fighting, Politics of Love, etc), acquired their license as a stock broker, became a loving husband and has always been known to be a loyal friend? Brian J. White...although he would never say this, because he is one of the most humble men you could ever meet.

It is with great pride that Neeta from Ideal PR personally recommends this book, as she downloaded her copy the first day it was released. "I remember being in Hollywood, speaking to Brian on the set of [his then TV show], Second Time Around. I became captivated by the level of charisma and knowledge he possessed. I could see he was a talented and attractive actor, but learned things about him that day and over time through professional interactions, that have left a lasting impression. While on the set of the movie 'The Heart Specialist' I was exposed to a very humorous side of Brian off camera, behind the scenes. I remember thinking how well rounded he was on top of being humble. So when it was mentioned that he was coming out with a book, I knew I would support his efforts to the fullest. I am enjoying reading it. And the best part is that I can read it while on the computer going about my day," said Neeta.

In the book Brian shares, "Black Carpenter is divided into five Parts: Education, Health and Fitness, the Arts, Relationships, and Spirituality. Through personal storytelling and honest revelation, I apply the four carpentry tools – the hammer of strength, level of balance, locking pliers of tenacity, and tape measure of accountability – to each part. I tell you the truth about my life and journey to become a Black Carpenter, the mistakes I made and lessons I learned the hard way. My tales are not perfect and my actions are not always admirable, but they are real. I banged my fingers with the hammer more than a couple of times until I learned the lesson of strength through humility (White, Brian (2011). Black Carpenter (Kindle Locations 203-208). Kindle Edition.)."

Do yourself a favor and download your copy of "Black Carpenter" today. Another great thing -you can also download more copies to give as gifts for friends and their children! Who can't read a book while surfing the next, checking facebook and chatting on twitter? For only $6.99, it will be the most significant gift you can give someone this month, as it will potentially change their life forever.

You can follow Brian on Twitter and be sure to join his movement and support his organization:

To learn more about Brian and his book please visit his sites below:

To Buy The Kindle Edition:


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

TUNE IN TONIGHT as T3 Breaks Down "3iller"

T3 of Slum Village talks LIVE about his new digital E.P. "3iller" TONIGHT July 5, 2011 at 9pm EST on his USTREAM channel:
Don't miss it :-)

If you have not already...go and download the E.P. on iTunes


Teedra Moses Releases Luxurious Undergrind Mixtape

New Orleans finest, Ms. Teedra Moses gives her fans the "Luxurious Undergrind" Mixtape to rock to. Newly signed to Rick Ross' Maybach Music label, Teedra is fine-tuning that AMAZING album to come "The Lioness."

Download Mixtape Link

In the meantime, support the beautiful soul-stress by downloading her mixtape and sending her love through Twitter @TeedraMoses and on Facebook. Gotta Love Teedra Moses. And if you are lucky enough to see her in concert, bring all of your energy, because she definitely brings ALL of hers with a live band and legs to die for!

To catch up on all of Teedra's previously release music, be sure to buy her albums here
Every track is a hit...E-V-E-R-Y track :-)
Homegirl is "GRINDING" just like the "sophisticated gangsta" that she is...Yeah that's our nick-name for her here in DC...coined by Ideal PR Media :-)

T3 of Slum Village Release his Solo EP Album Today Entitled "3iller" (Digital Release)

Today is a great day for true hip-hop fans. The digital release of T3's (Slum Village) solo EP Album entitled "3iller" (pronounce "Thriller") releases TODAY July 5, 2011. You can download the entire EP or solo tracks from iTunes:

3iller marks the debut of T3's first solo EP album and is sure to be every bit WELL WORTH the wait. T3 told Ideal PR, "I haven't done anything solo in 5 years. It felt great to go into the studio and do my own thing without worrying about the Slum brand." 3iller represents T3 - his style, his flow and his energy. It is always great to have our favorite artists from groups step out and shine under a solo spotlight and give us a different side of their creativity. T3 delivers and delivers well.

Known for his tantalizing word play and smooth soulful flow, T3 gives his fans a solo EP album worth downloading. In an era where rappers have fleeted from producing albums with more than one or two hits for the radio and the club, it is refreshing to have artists, such as T3, remain a TRUE Artist...putting 100% into each track.

Support the EP and download it now! It will be worth your time, energy and money...something we don't say lightly; but it is true. Five tracks you will listen to over and over...even the intro :-)
  1. Intro
  2. Give Me A Beat
  3. Hello World
  4. Motor Freaks
  5. Never Enuff
Check out the video clips for "Hello World" (featuring Kameron Corvet) and "Give Me A Beat" where you not only see T3 rap, but also do a little acting :-)
As always, remember to "Support Good Music."

Follow T3 on Twitter @T3sv

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