Singer Teedra Moses released her free mixtape called "Luxurious UnderGRIND" and now fans can listen in and watch the first lady of Maybach Music Group - Teedra Moses weekly on her LIVE internet show on
Through Ustream fans are allowed to interact live with Teedra through the Ustream chat and/or Twitter. Joining the conversation via chat is always fun, as the ladies of Luxurious Undergrind make a point to verbally interact with viewers by responding to, and incorporating their comments into the LIVE show.
Teedra Moses along with co-hosts Ms. Vanessa James and Mara Malendez keep the show crunk. And it doesn't stop there :-) After the LIVE show, they take it a step further and place clips of the show on youtube and edits in flashes of the viewers comments directly into the show clip.
If you have not had the opportunity to listen to Teedra's mixtape you can download it FREE HERE Listen, repeat, tweet and FB all of your friends about the raw and real songs that only the New Orleans native Ms. Teedra Moses can give.

TUNE IN TO LUXURIOUS UNDERGRIND online LIVE Every Thursday from 10pm-11pm EST
Be prepared...they keep it real...something refreshing and honest that hasn't been seen since Neeta and Tamiko T stopped doing "Splash Radio."
It is worth making sure you add a reminder to your blackberry and lock it in your calender to be in front of your internet EVERY THURSDAY at 10pm EST to tune into these ladies...
And be on the look out for the new Teedra Moses album and be prepared to buy 3...One for the house, one for the car and one to keep in plastic...because it will be a classic.
LIVE PERFORMANCE FROM TEEDRA from July 21, 2011 show
CLIP FROM JULY 21, 2011 show
This girl can SAAAANG
Teedra is funny @ Legalize and I'll advertise it!
Thanks! I will tune in
These girls make a nice group to watch. Good blend with Teedra. They are not afraid to disagree with her. Good stuff
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