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Monday, October 22, 2012

Todd Inman: Philly's Own "Creative Solution"

The IDEAL Magazine
October 2012
Todd Inman, CEO of Tinman Creative Solutions
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If you take the world's most successful men and put them in a room, you are likely to find that these men have many traits in common. If you put one successful man in a room filled with unsuccessful men, you are likely to find men who don't think they have anything in common. Part of being successful is understanding that there are certain things one must do when others do not want to. Another part of being successful is understanding how not to do the same things over again that prove to be unproductive. Todd Inman, a Hampton University graduate and Pennsylvania native, is learning that sometimes treading the waters and roads less traveled has more than just ups and downs, but curves and curve balls that require determination and perseverance in order to push through. The late, great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, "...If you can't fly, run; if you can't run, walk; if you can't walk, crawl, but by all means keep moving...." Todd understands that every step he takes gets him closer to his goal, and he is learning to dance through the curve gold boots (Skee-Roo!).

The IDEAL Magazine had an opportunity to have an intimate exchange with this Philly filmmaker...and he was all the more candid, which was extremely appreciated.

In his own words....
Film/Production Company and Inspiration
"Tinman Creative Solutions, a film writing/production and advertising creative company was founded in 2011. I was a standup comedian and businessperson so I took the leap of faith to bring my ideas and concepts to the big and small screen and Madison Avenue. My inspiration came from my unique standup material. My background of growing up “black in the suburbs” inspired material that was different from what was popular at the time. So the writing of my film projects, honed as an English Major at Hampton University, educates people of all races who don’t know that story. The television ads I create target Generation X and Y because I feel that age group is moving beyond barriers of race and they can appreciate and identify with elements of all cultures."

His first Major Project

"I had an idea for a web series about being black in corporate America inspired from my many years working for fortune 100 companies. I felt like most people were unaware of the unique, often daunting experience it is to be one of the few blacks in the workplace. I called the comedy “The Corporate Brother.” I solicited for local actors; I picked up an HD Camera, confirmed the location and produced the first episode. It was a “learn by doing” experience because I had never used a camera nor had ever seen an editing program. After the first episode we received positive feedback so we completed an entire season with 5 episodes found on YouTube. The project is intended to be much more than just funny. I want to highlight differences of race by the use of humor in hopes of fostering understanding and uniting people. I am a big fan of stand-up comics like Dick Gregory and Chris Rock who use their platform to humorously tackle social issues. People seem to absorb ideas more easily while laughing."

"The experience was invaluable for me to learn all aspects of production: writing a script, auditioning actors, scouting and getting permission of location, wardrobe, props, meals, filming, editing, promoting, and crisis management."

Challenges of Stepping out of the Corporate Hustle
"There have been many challenges to pursuing my dream and entrepreneurship. One of which is obtaining the resources to compete with other filmmakers or agencies with much larger budgets. I have so many ideas that I would like to bring to life but I am hindered by lack of resources to do them. For instance, if I am bidding on being the creative behind an advertising campaign, I don’t have the studio to produce this dynamite spec commercial to showcase my idea. I have to present to the client in terms of ideas or low-budget specs and hopefully convince the client to visualize what I could do if they hired and paid me."

Friends and Family Support
"I am grateful for the support I have received from family and friends. My mother
and father have encouraged me every step of the way. My son and daughter have
also been a source of inspiration. My son, an aspiring music producer called C.I. Rise,
 has made almost all of my musical score. I also appreciate the many people who
have shared my work on social media sites and blogs, including Ideal PR."

Hope for the Future

"I hope to collaborate with other writers and filmmakers in the future. I realize that
other people’s experiences and insight can help shape The Corporate Brother and
other future projects."

Current Project
"I am working on writing Season 2 of The Corporate Brother. I am also writing a feature length film on a love story and a short comedy film. I am also freelancing as a copywriter developing ads for clients."

Other information
Raised in Valley Forge, PA (30 Minutes west of Philadelphia)
Currently Resides in the Philadelphia, PA (USA) area
MBA Candidate Dec. 2012 Saint Joseph’s University


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