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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Baked Kale Chips with Salt & Vinegar! Yumo... Perfect Spring Snack

In an attempt to eat more leafy vegetables and greens I tried out a recipe that I have been interested in creating for a while. I added my own twist to the suggestion and it came out nice...the second time :-)
The key to making them is to keep your heat low or they may burn quickly. It is very easy to prepare, and even tastier to eat! I love salt and vinegar potato chips, so I placed my own personal twist and added salt and vinegar for a very tasty zip!

  1. Pre-heat oven to 300 degrees (I used a toaster oven to save energy).
  2. Get a bag of pre-chopped kale greens. This will cut down on your prep time because most of the stems will already be removed.
  3. Remove the stems and large veins from the leaves, leaving only the leafy part of the greens.
  4. Wash Well and dry.
  5. Spray baking sheet (or aluminum foil for those without a basking sheet) with a cooking spray
  6. Place the kale on the baking sheet and make sure the leaves do not overlap or touch each other.
  7. Spray the kale with a butter or olive oil cooking spray (I used a butter spray with olive oil :-)
  8. Sprinkle a little sea salt over the top (just a little)
  9. Baked for about 10 minutes until the ends are crisp, but not burned. 
  10.  The greens should STAY GREEN, so once they start getting dark green, pull them out and touch the edges to see if they are crisp.
  11. In my second batch (the one that came out good :-) I removed a few of the smaller chips before the larger pieces were finished to prevent them from burning. (try to make your pieces about the same size for even cooking)
  12. Once you have pulled them out, drizzle a little bit of vinegar and sprinkle sea salt and enjoy! Only drizzle the salt and vinegar on the batch you intend to eat immediately. Letting the vinegar sit too long causes them to get soggy.
  • NOTE!!! Be sure to keep a close eye. The first time the edges went from green to brown in a matter of seconds after I checked on it
Eating these chips as an afternoon snack is a healthier choice than those regular potato chips! Crunch on a few while you read the latest issue of the IDEAL mag

Friday, March 30, 2012

Charlie Sheen is BACK with New TV Show "Anger Management" set for FX

Charlie Sheen is "winning" the hearts of studio executives once again and has landed his own TV show, "Anger Management." Set to debut on FX June 28th at 9pm EST, but has nothing to do with the famous movie "Anger Management." It is about Sheen playing the role of an ex-baseball player whose anger management issues affected his playing status. Before you think "Wild Thing 2012," The show is more about his life after baseball and him moving into a role of atonement where he goes back to school and becomes a therapist to help others.

"I've been fortunate it's been a very forgiving fan base," said Charlie to Wendy Williams while making an appearance on The Wendy Williams' TV show in New York this past week. "I think people they've always rooted for me because they know that I'm a guy that just deals with the truth...and admits when I'm wrong," Charlie told Wendy. He seriously joke with Wendy and further states, "And that situation is something where I wasn't wrong...that whole other ordeal...that's why I was so intent on...winning!"

To learn more about the Anger Management TV Show visit FX Networks

To watch the interview with Wendy Williams on her talk show (How You Doin' Wendy?!) check out her youtube channel below, and be sure to follow us on twitter @IdealPRMedia


CS1 (CenterStage1) Magazine Released in PRINT (Issue #4)

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GET YOUR COPY OF CS1 (CenterStage1) Magazine in PRINT before it is released digitally!!!

Photographer Yann Feron shoots model and actress Toni Busker who covers this issue. Chef Giada shares a fresh spring recipe. Illustrators Michel Canetti (from Italy) and Emily Gillies (from Australia) show us their fabulous artwork. Musicians Jeff Majors, Joey Newman and Missy Modell are under the spotlight in the music section. Travel writer and photographer Omri Malul travels to Israel, then we take a look at the food in Asian food in Dupont Circle. Handbag designer LisaBerck shows off her spring collection and we present fashion options that pop from the runway to everyday for spring! We highlight the photography of SSM Photography.

This issue is dedicated to William "Bill" Barnes who recently passed away from prostate cancer.

          Issue #4 CenterStage1 Magazine (Apr/May 2012)       
                  CenterStage1 Magazine:                Issue #4 CenterStage1 Magazine (Apr/May 2012)         
              Find out more on MagCloud         

Wednesday, March 28, 2012



NEW YORK – March 28, 2012 – Driven by the network’s commitment to increase original programming, Bravo Media expands its aggressive development slate with seven new projects that explore the network’s passion points of food, fashion, beauty, design and pop culture. The announcement was made today by Eli Lehrer, Vice President of Development for Bravo. Showcasing a variety of genres and formats, the latest development greenlights include (working titles) “10 Things That Make Me Happy,” “Alumni Project,” “Fashion Stories Of NYC” featuring fashion icon Andre Leon Talley, “Female Entrepreneur Project” with Pattie Sellers an Editor at Large at Fortune Magazine, “Hot Property,” “Sex And The Kitchen” and “MD: OC.” For more information, visit

Monday, March 26, 2012

Teedra Moses is The Lioness

Singer Teedra Moses speaks about her upcoming album "The Lioness" and her journey from TVT Records to her now label Maybach Music Group with Rick Ross. Check her out in the spring 2012 issue of The IDEAL Magazine on pages 8-11!

Monday, March 19, 2012

J Mendel's Spring 2012 Collection is as Yummy as the Sherbet Colors in the Fabric

All Images the Rights of Mike Coppola/Getty Images for Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week (Images from
We love the fit and flow of the material paired with the smart draping and contour of the body.  We love the sherbet color blocking!
The IDEAL Magazine did not make it to the J Mendel show during NY fashion week, but we sure wish we received an invite! Wish we had seen these so we could have  placed them in the magazine...absolutely divine! 

Check out other Spring 2012 Looks that we love in the Spring Issue of The IDEAL Magazine

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Fashion Star on NBC...Do We Love It? Yes We Do!

(Images are courtesy of © NBCUniversal, Inc.)

 Everyone has their reality shows, but NBC has really stepped up to the plate this year with fresh twists to the run-in-the-mill reality shows. Fashion Star, the newest of our favorite shows (The Voice being our other) is a great addition to TV. The choice to have buyers bidding mixed with the ability to actually purchase the winning items that same night from the store's website is fabulous. It's like "Who Want's To Be A Millionaire" meets "Project Runway" but gets to the point a lot quicker! We love it! The diversity in the lines is very wonderful.

We absolutely LOVE seeing the two African-American women representing Macy's and H&M, two of our most frequented stores...with one of H&M's designer's being featured in our latest issue of The IDEAL Magazine  pgs 33- 39 (

On the first episode we were happy to see Nicolas go home as his ego appeared to be bigger than his design ability, making the statement that the buyers did not understand "upscale" fashion...hmmmmm. OK, I guess Saks is not upscale? Come on Nicolas, deal with the fact that you were not original. trendy, maybe, but not original enough to stand out or have 3 major stores care. Get over yourself.

We quickly fell in love with certain designer's stories more than their clothes, but hope to see some of them develop and shine. After all, a great designer has the ability to learn and grow...that is the best part of the mentor process which Nicole Richie, Jessica Simpson and John Varvatos bring.

As of right now, some of our personal favorites were Edmond Newton, Nikki Poulos, Sarah Parrott, Nzimiro Oputa and Orly Shani. It would have been great to see the entire presentation from Lizzie Parker since her fashion's were presented in such a blur...I don't remember what actually won.

Kara Laricks did not win the judges over in week one, but we believe she has potential to shine.

While colorful in his personality, we think Oscar is a little too over the top in his lipservice and not enough designer pop on the runway and should be on one of the cable network shows instead :-)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Cast of Pretty Little Liars in the Spring Issue of The IDEAL Magazine

ABC's hit show Pretty Little Liar's cast members Lucy, Ashley, Shay and Trojan all share a common fashion love...that is for the heart-shaped pendant by GenerationNecks. Check them out on page 52 in the spring 2012 issue of The IDEAL Magazine.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Get The Look of Drew Barrymore from H&M Spring Collection by Marni

Drew Barrymore and Mila Jovovich both love the new line at H&M by Marni. The IDEAL Magazine shows you how you can get their Hollywood look right now! Check out pages 38-39 of the Spring 2012 issue of The IDEAL Magazine.

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Spring 2012 Issue of The IDEAL Magazine is HERE! With Whitney Houston on the cover!!!

The IDEAL Magazine releases its Spring 2012 issue with Whitney Houston on the cover. We pay a special tribute to the late, great singer and explore what made her legacy so unforgettable. Singer Teedra Moses speaks about signing with Rick Ross' Maybach Music Group and the highly anticipated sophomore album release of "The Lioness." Basketball Wives Jackie Christie speak of her journey as one of the most famous basketball wives and discusses communication with the other basketball wives since the reunion episode. Photographer Manny Roman's career is explored as he is known to have one of the most coveted jobs shooting America's Next Top Models. Spring Fashion is shared and explored through Marni for H&M, Gucci, Alexander McQueen, PRADA and a host of other fabulous spring 2012 looks. The IDEAL 10 is special as its 10 of the coolest items to add to your gallery for the spring. With other great articles on Natural hair, spring cleaning for your life and getting that "to-do" list in order, the spring 2012 issue of The IDEAL Magazine is a must read.

Get the digital magazine in print by ordering your print copy of The IDEAL Magazine here:

Friday, March 9, 2012

Daytime Drama at its BEST! Sonny Corinthos vs. Todd Manning on General Hospitals

The 2nd Carly was Trash
As a long time ABC soaps watcher, dating back to when home VCR's were first introduced, I am a huge fan of what is currently happening right now on General Hospitals. While I was devastated and completely upset at the cancellation of All My Children and One Life To Live, the two main soaps I would record every day of my life until I went to college, I appreciate the addition of the original Todd Manning, Blair and Star to General Hospitals. Todd Manning (Roger Howarth) is hands down the best and most colorful character ABC has ever created.  I am VERY excited they have him back in his original role...the Todd who replaced him was TRASH as an actor in that was the Carly who replaced Sarah Brown was even worse TRASH as an actor...

but no one can follow Sarah Brown. The current Carly is ok...but Sarah Brown...the best EVER! She didn't win 3 Emmy's for nothing!
Original Carly (Sarah Brown) was the BEST!!!

First, it is a great treat for One Life To Live fans to have Todd back! I must say, I have been slipping on keeping up with the soaps these days, but as I was browsing I noticed a clip with Todd Manning's face under the General Hospital's full episodes list.  Needless to say, I am almost caught up on the week's worth of adventures.

Sonny vs. Todd is a great idea. It would be better if it was over something that was actually true, since it is apparent that another round of split personalities is hitting the city, with Sonny's girlfriend being the latest victim of this common daytime soap aggravation...and she "looks" like her alter personality may actually be the responsible party for killing Todd's granddaughter.

Who wins? Well...that is a tough one. If General Hospitals plays their cards right, neither wins. While Sonny is a favorite of the show, Todd is a long-time beloved villain. I don't want anything bad to happen to Sonny simply because he is apparently innocent. So I am hoping Todd and Sonny ALMOST go to blows...but the truth comes out and it does not happen. But, maybe if something else were to happen between them to put them at odds again after this case is settled...something that is actually solid and true, now that is a battle I am all for.

Its really spicy to bring Blair head to toe with Carly and Todd head to toe with Sonny. I hope they find a way to keep Todd, Star and Blair on the show for good. The only thing that would make this pairing sweeter is if the original Carly, Sarah Brown (the best female character ever)  was going head-to-head with Blair. Now that would be a fight for the history books of soap operas.
And while I LOVE long-haired Todd better than short-haired Todd, Having Todd ANYWAY we can get him is fantastic!

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Looking For A Gold Dress? Naeem Khan Has You Covered

Fall 2011                                                                                                                       Spring 2012

                                                                                 Fall 2012

Naeem Khan, a designer born in India always has a pop of Gold in his shows to wow his audience. If you like the color gold, you are in luck. Don't have the money to buy the current season's item from Saks or Neiman's? No problem, he has gold dresses from past seasons :-)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

B.Blunt releases Beyonce Remix End of Time

Singer B.Blunt releases his adored remix to Beyonce's End of Time
Take a listen and be sure to vote on both sites below!!!
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