(Images are courtesy of © NBCUniversal, Inc.)
Everyone has their reality shows, but NBC has really stepped up to the plate this year with fresh twists to the run-in-the-mill reality shows. Fashion Star, the newest of our favorite shows (The Voice being our other) is a great addition to TV. The choice to have buyers bidding mixed with the ability to actually purchase the winning items that same night from the store's website is fabulous. It's like "Who Want's To Be A Millionaire" meets "Project Runway" but gets to the point a lot quicker! We love it! The diversity in the lines is very wonderful.
We absolutely LOVE seeing the two African-American women representing Macy's and H&M, two of our most frequented stores...with one of H&M's designer's being featured in our latest issue of The IDEAL Magazine pgs 33- 39 (http://issuu.com/idealpr/docs/theidealmagazine_spring2012/33).
We quickly fell in love with certain designer's stories more than their clothes, but hope to see some of them develop and shine. After all, a great designer has the ability to learn and grow...that is the best part of the mentor process which Nicole Richie, Jessica Simpson and John Varvatos bring.
Kara Laricks did not win the judges over in week one, but we believe she has potential to shine.
While colorful in his personality, we think Oscar is a little too over the top in his lipservice and not enough designer pop on the runway and should be on one of the cable network shows instead :-)
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